Alfalfa Meal
Regular price $30.00
Organic Alfalfa Meal is a great source of Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.
The alfalfa plant has a deep root system that draws up minerals from deep below the soils surface and stores them in its leaves. When you apply the leaves to soil, those nutrients are easily broken down by soil bacteria and fed to the plant.
Alfalfa Meal increases biological activity in the soil.
You can use Alfalfa Meal as a top-dress, or use it in nutrient teas for plants only, preferably with kelp and high quality humic acids.
You can make an Alfalfa/kelp plant nutrient tea to green up your plants at home. The recipe is below.
1/4 - 1/2 cup per cubic foot of soil as part of a complete nutrient and mineral program.
1/2 cup alfalfa meal/pellets
4 tbls kelp meal (not kelp extract)
10 gallons clean water
1 tsp Quantum VSC
Airpump and airstone
(Optional: little pieces of aloe vera plant, stinging nettle, comfrey, borage, valerian flowers or dandelion roots)
Bubble this overnight.
The next day you can strain the mix and water in or mix 1/1 with clean water and foliar spray.
This will green any yellowing plant up in a few days.