Crab/Lobster shell chunks
Regular price $25.00Organic Crab Shell (5-3-0) is an excellent dry organic source of nutrients, including Calcium (17%) and Magnesium (1%). It retains moisture in the soil and builds the organic matter. It also gives the roots something to grab onto and wrap around, for a food source, creating a deeper root system. Crab Shell is high in Chitin (Kite-en), which promotes the growth of Chitin eating bacteria in the soil. It will help eliminate Ants, Grubs, Fungus and Root Nematodes, because they are all Chitin based in structure. Put around plants, Crab Shell will keep Slugs and snails off. It also helps choke out weeds and keep moles, voles, mice, etc… from digging up bulbs and root vegetables.
Crab Shell should be worked in the soil before planting, or top dressed. It can be applied to lawns with a broadcast spreader. It shows amazing results on lawns and all plants.